Trump Golfing: Crisis Averted By Anthony Medina The White House Correspondents dinner would never be the same after Hasan Minhaj took center stage and began knocking down the president, his Staff, and multiple news media. Under Minhaj’s resume, including correspondent …
Month: January 2017
Journalistic Troubles When Reporting On Campus
By Anthony Medina Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to …
Students Voice Concerns Over Water Quality in Academic Core Building
By: Anthony Medina Concerns over the quality of water at Academic Core building water fountains can be laid to rest, according to James Minto, the executive director of Facilities Planning & Operations. The attention to water quality began when Rachelle …
Mice, Vermin Among “Critical” Violations After Latest Cafeteria Inspection
By: Anthony Medina The college cafeteria’s “A” rating has been downgraded after health department inspectors once again found evidence of mice, vermin and unsanitary conditions, then slapped the facility with six violations, four of them considered “critical,” after a Nov. …
Academy Award Winning Actor Takes On Climate Change
By: Anthony Medina A gas pipeline ruptures in Alabama spilling 338,000 gallons of fuel on Sept. 9 and Gov. Chris Christie raises the New Jersey state gas tax by 23 cents a gallon on Nov. 1. AccuWeather predicts this winter’s …
Speakers Blast Trump as ‘Racist, Misogynisitc, Homophobic’ at York College Event
Dr Henry Sheinkopf and Mark Thompson Discussed presidential Election results. Photo by: Anthony Medina By: Anthony Medina The York College 50th Annual Presidential Breakfast featured Dr. Henry Sheinkopf, political expert and York alumnus, and Mark Thompson, Sirius XM radio broadcaster, …
York’s Counseling Center Hosts Open Depression Screenings
By: Anthony Medina To mark National Depression Awareness Day the York College Counseling Center hosted open depression screenings with campus counselors on Nov. 9 at 12 p.m. Interested students were given surveys to evaluate their level of depression. Participants who …