Street Photography in Flushing, Queens.

Amidst the coronavirus pandemic, Asian Americans experienced an increase in hate crimes in New York City. Misinformation on the spread of COVID-19 added to the social pressures placed on Asians and especially the historic community in Flushing, Queens. This photo essay attempts to document street life along Main Street between The Shops At Skyview and the Queens Botanical Garden in Flushing.

Under the tracks for the LIRR in Flushing, Queens, are the extensions of CJ Food Market. Foot traffic is high here with a few folks stopping by for the fruits out on display on the sidewalk. Sharing this space are other sellers who set up their tables early in the morning and apparently do a quick packing if it rains unexpectedly. Proper Mask-wearing from passersby made the experience safer overall and eased any tensions from being in a crowd. The businesses and vendors along the avenue were just an example of how long these mostly Chinese vendors and shops have made Flushing their home.